Please read carefully as the system for filing a Public Information Act Request has changed.
Please be advised the Harford County Sheriff’s Office is now utilizing an online system enabling you to submit requests for records online. This system will make the process of submitting requests for, and receiving public records easier, enabling you to pay for and receive your records electronically. Please submit your requests for records at and requests for Crash reports at .
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
1. What is the Public Information Act?
Maryland’s Public Information Act (PIA) gives the public the right to access government records without unnecessary cost and delay.
The PIA applies to all three branches of Maryland state government as well as local government entities. The PIA is found in the General Provisions Title 4. Public Information Act Subtitle 2 Inspection of Public Records.
It is similar to the federal Freedom of Information Act which applies to federal executive branch agencies and independent federal regulatory agencies.
The PIA grants you the right to review the available records that are disclosable and to obtain copies of those records. It does not require an agency to answer informational questions or to create a record to satisfy your request.
2. What is a public record?
A public record is defined as the original or copy of any documentary material in any form created or received by an agency in connection with the transaction of public business. Included in this definition are written materials, books, photographs, photocopies, firms, microfilms, records, tapes, computerized records, maps, drawings and other materials.
3. Are all government records available?
No. The PIA attempts to balance the public’s right to access government records with other policies that respect the privacy or confidentiality of certain information.
For example, the PIA mandates denial of inspection of public records that are confidential under federal law, other state statutes, court rules, or various common law privileges such as attorney-client privilege and executive privilege. Md. Code Ann. General Provisions (“GP”) § 4-301 The PIA itself also protects certain records from disclosure (firearm records, GP § 4-325, and personnel records, GP § 4-311). In addition, some information contained in public records must remain confidential (for example, sociological information GP § 4-330, an individual’s medical or psychological information, GP § 4-329, and juvenile records*, GP §§ 1-202 and 3-8A-27). Other records that may be withheld if the agency decides that disclosure of those records would be “contrary to the public interest, GP § 4-343. Records subject to discretionary disclosure include investigatory records, GP § 4-351.
*Juvenile arrest records are not released without a court order signed by a judge, GP § 3-8A-27. In addition, records of child abuse or neglect are not releasable without a court order unless allowed by Maryland law, GP § 1-202.
5. How long will it take for an agency to respond to my request?
You will be notified within 10 working days of the date the PIA Liaison receives the request if the request is in process, approved, denied or if more information or time is needed. Requests are completed within 30 days of receipt. If more time is needed, a notification will be made within 30 days requesting an extension.
For all requests, if more than 30 days have passed without a response from the requestor occurs, your request will be closed out without notice and any deposits paid will be forfeited.
6. Is there a charge for obtaining records under the PIA?
Yes, the PIA allows an agency to charge a “reasonable fee” for copies of public records. An agency may also charge a reasonable fee for searching for a public record – a charge that may include the time required for locating and reviewing the record. The first two hours of search and preparation time are free, but an extensive search may prove time-consuming and therefore expensive. Thus, it is in both your interest and the agency’s interest to ensure that a PIA request clearly and accurately describes the records sought.
6. What happens if my request for records is denied?
If an agency denies all or part of your request, it must provide you with a written explanation that includes the reason for the denial, the legal authority justifying the denial, and your appeal rights.
7. How can I learn more about the PIA?
The Office of the Attorney General publishes a detailed legal analysis of the PIA in the Maryland Public Information Act Manual. The manual is also available without charge on the Attorney General’s website:
8. How do I submit a PIA request?
You can submit your request for records at You will be able to make payment online or submit payment by check or money order by mail. We will no longer accept requests via email.
9. How can I get a copy of my Crash report?
You can submit your requests for Crash reports at Continue to submit requests for Calls for Service (when no crash report is written) through GovQuest. All the information you will need will be located on the Motor Vehicle Collision Information Exchange Form you received from our deputy.
- Report number (case number on the Collision Information Exchange Form)
- Last name of Involved Party
- Date of Accident
The crash reports should be available 5-10 business days after the crash.

PIA Fee Schedule:
Payment will be accepted by card, check or money order only (payable to Harford County)
- $10 fee per type of request for each incident will be required prior to processing (This does not include the search and preparation time)
- Incident reports
- CAD reports/Call for Service reports
- Accident reports
- Reconstruction Reports
- Photos
- Body camera footage
- In-Car video
- Other video
- Other type of record or media request
- $35 per hour after the two free hours of search and preparation
- An estimate will be sent prior for approval
- $.25 per page for reports to be printed and mailed
- A processing fee will be applied for online payments by card that go to the credit card company and the website vendor.
Video Requests:
An estimate will be sent for approval and a deposit will be required to continue processing. Final payment will not be due until processing has been completed. Once the final payment is received, an email will be sent with a downloadable link. Non-payment after 30 days from receiving the Final Amount Due will result in your request being cancelled and deposit forfeited.
If video is needed on a CD/DVD or thumb drive, there is an additional fee of $20 each.
Misconduct Records Requests:
** Special note regarding fees for requests for misconduct records pursuant to the Maryland Public Information Act, Md. Code Ann., Gen. Prov. §§ 4.101., either individual deputy or mass request**
For security reasons, misconduct records are accessed and reviewed only by the members of the Harford County Sheriff’s Office, Office of Professional Standards (OPS). Accordingly, members of OPS will perform the search, review, and preparation for production of records in response to any request for misconduct records. The response to those requests will then have to be reviewed, redacted by the PIA Liaison and approved by Command Staff and/or legal counsel. The hourly fee for responding to those documents after the first two free hours will be greater than those fees charged for routine records requests which are handled by PIA Liaison. The rate for misconduct records requests is assessed as listed below:
Requestor will pay the Harford County Sheriff’s Office the full amount of the regular wage/FICA payment of the OPS member(s) and Command Staff assigned to the request for each hour of time assigned to fulfilling request over two hours. The regular hourly rate for OPS and Command Staff members will range between $64.75 and $99.07. An estimate will be sent for approval and a deposit will be required to continue processing. Final payment will not be due until processing has been completed. Once the final payment is received, an email will be sent with a downloadable link. Non-payment after 30 days from receiving the Final Amount Due will result in your request being cancelled and deposit forfeited.