More on DUI Checkpoints
Welcome to part three of our series: “Everything I Ever Wanted to Know About DUI Checkpoints.” Last Friday, members of the Harford County Sheriff’s Office conducted a DUI checkpoint detail just outside of Bel Air. As I mentioned in the previous two #traffictiptuesday posts, the focus of a checkpoint is public education. Yes, we had Deputies out patrolling for impaired drivers. Yes, we made a few arrests that night, but in the end, the education we were able to provide the motoring public was a tremendous success.
In just under two hours, Sheriff’s Office Deputies made contact with 466 vehicles. Many of these had multiple occupants. This means that over 500 people travelling on our roadways had the opportunity to meet a Deputy and receive information about the dangers of impaired driving. Each driver was given a brochure that had information about DUI checkpoints, a link to the website, and statistics related to impaired driving. For example, over the past 5 years, more than 800 Marylanders were killed in impaired driving crashes. Not only were there no impaired driving crashes the night of the checkpoint, we also were able to confirm that every driver who came through the checkpoint was doing so without being impaired by drugs or alcohol.
For those that think we could have done more, let me tell you, we did! Deputies working DUI Saturation patrols during the checkpoint made 56 traffic stops. They issued 40 warnings and 51 citations for various driving infractions. In addition to this, three drivers were arrested. We also removed several suspended drivers from the roadway. All in all, not a bad night.
Now that the checkpoint is finished, our work is far from over. We have multiple DUI patrols scheduled throughout the summer as we work toward zero deaths on Maryland roadways.
Until next week, slow down, pay attention, wear your seatbelt, and drive safely.
HCSO Main Line – 410.838.6600
Northern Precinct – 410.692.7880
Southern Precinct – 410.612.1717
HCSO Traffic Unit – 443.409.3324