Deputies in the Community
Commercial Motor Vehicle Interdiction Instruction
June 28, 2021

The Harford County Sheriff’s Office would like to extend a big THANK YOU to Chris Bozel and R.W. Bozel Transfer, Inc. for generously providing their time, equipment, and expertise to our EL 36 Recruits during their commercial motor vehicle interdiction instruction. They agreed to provide a full sized semi-tractor and trailer for the recruits, with very short notice, and Operations Manager, Tim, personally delivered the truck, stayed on site, and offered pertinent industry standard information about the trucking industry.
Chapter Volunteer of the Year for the Northern Chesapeake Region
June 12, 2021

Earlier this week, the Arc of Maryland recognized Lt. Hugh John Dougherty as their Chapter Volunteer of the Year for the Northern Chesapeake Region.
As a member of their Standing Committee, he has gone above and beyond in his dedication to the Arc.
For more about why he was selected, read the award summary pictured above!
Bel Air Knights of Columbus Deputy of the Year
May 17, 2021

We love sharing great news! Senior Deputy Gregory Jordan was selected as the Bel Air Knights of Columbus Deputy of the Year!
Congratulations Greg! Well deserved!
Duckling Rescue
May 12, 2021
Working in Animal Control isn’t all about puppies and kittens!
Recently, Animal Control Officer Ciarra Heine spent part of her day leaning into a storm grate on Moores Mill Road trying to rescue some ducklings.
Five of them fell into the grate, and mom stayed there waiting for them.
Don’t worry! It was a successful rescue and the ducklings were reunited with mom!
Explorer’s Post 6600
April 21, 2021

Since its inception 14 years ago, we’ve seen many young people join Harford County Sheriff’s Office Explorer’s Post 6600, but nobody has dedicated the time that Alissa Cecchini has. Our longest-tenured Explorer ever, Alissa joined Post 6600 in April 2014, and now she is aging out of the Program. But that’s not where her HCSO journey ends!
Originally a member of the C. Milton Wright High School Criminal Justice Club, Alissa joined Post 6600 with the goal of becoming a Police Officer. Eventually, she was hired as one of our first Cadets, and now she works as the Forensic Video Analyst in our Criminal Investigations Division!
While working in Post 6600 she spent hundreds of hours doing community service, attended two National Law Enforcement Exploring Conferences, and was part of the 1st place Explorer Post in competition at Purdue University.
Last night Sheriff Gahler, Colonel Davis, and Youth and Community Services Coordinator Stephen Thomas recognized Alissa for her dedication to the Harford County Sheriff’s Office. Her path is the model for how the Criminal Justice Clubs, Explorer Program, and Cadets can develop a young person’s interest in Law Enforcement, and turn it into a successful career!
Congratulations Alissa!
BBQ for Badges
March 30, 2021

Thank you, Brightview Senior Living! Your BBQ for Badges drive-through lunch was much appreciated! And those cookies – amazing! We are looking forward to the time when we can all enjoy a meal together! We are so fortunate to have you as part of our community!
National Puppy Day
March 23, 2021
It’s National Puppy Day, and we couldn’t let they day go by without sharing some of video of our “puppies” in the K9 Unit!
Happy Birthday
March 22, 2021

Today, we celebrate 247 years of serving the Harford County community!
On March 22, 1774, the Harford County Sheriff’s Office was established when Thomas Miller was appointed Sheriff by Henry Harford. Sheriff Miller served until 1777, when he was replaced by the first elected Sheriff, John Taylor, Jr.
We are so grateful to be able to serve such a wonderful community for such a long time!
Snack Donation
March 18, 2021

This week the Sheriff’s Office received a generous snack donation from Darlington/Dublin VFW Post 10146. They took donations at their VFW post to purchase snacks as a sign of support and recognition of local law enforcement. Thank you VFW Post 10146!!
March 15, 2021
Our SROs are excited to see Harford County Public Schools students back in person in the Middle and High Schools! They’ve missed seeing you all, and many of them put together messages for us to share with you. Some need your help learning to play instruments, some are excited for Orange Chicken Wednesdays, and others are tired of spending their time wandering around empty halls listening to sad music…
Did you know, there are some in Annapolis that want to get rid of this critical resource in the schools? There are bills circulating that would remove and defund School Resource Officers from schools. As you can see from these videos, our SROs love what they do and spending time with the students! Want to help keep SROs in schools? Write your representative and let them know how you feel!