Sgt Jerry Eaton

National Child Passenger Safety Week

September 17, 2024

In spirit of National Child Passenger Safety Week, Traffic Sergeant Jerry Eaton is here to talk about child safety seats:

Hey there, parents and caregivers! Buckle up, because we’re about to talk about something super important: child safety seats. September 15-21 2024 is National Child Passenger Safety Week. We know you want nothing but the best for your little ones, and that includes keeping them safe and secure while on the road. Let’s dive into why using the proper child safety seat is so important.

First off, It’s the law: Most states require children under a certain age, height, or weight to be secured in a child safety seat. In Maryland, not using a child safety seat when required can result in an $83 fine, so make the safe choice and keep those kiddos buckled up!

Size matters: Adult seat belts are designed for, well, adults. When children are too small for seat belts, they can suffer serious injuries in a collision. Child safety seats are specifically designed to provide the protection and support that little bodies need.

Numbers don’t lie: Research shows that using the proper child safety seat can reduce the risk of fatal injury by a whopping 71% for infants and 54% for toddlers.
Perfect fit: Rear-facing, forward-facing, booster seats – there are so many options, and each one is designed to provide optimal safety at different stages of your child’s growth.

So, let’s all do our part to protect the precious cargo we carry in our vehicles. You can visit the Kids in Safety Seats for more information:

Until next week, slow down, pay attention, wear your seatbelt, and drive safely.

Farm Equipment

August 6, 2024

This week, #traffictiptuesday is a request from my very good friend Peggy. She asked that I address farm equipment on county roads. Well, actually, Peggy did not ask me to write about farm equipment. She asked me to write about the motorists who drive aggressively near farm equipment.

Farmers are the backbone of our community. They provide the food we eat, as well as the lovely flowers I send to my wife from time to time. Sometimes, their important work takes them from one location to another. This requires them to drive their equipment on county roads. These large tractors are not built for speed. It is important that motorists take their time and give farmers plenty of room to operate. Tailgating, unsafe passing and screaming obscenities at some poor guy moving a load of hay only makes things worse for everyone.

So, the next time you see a farmer doing their job, show some patience and remember that they are directly responsible for your next meal. Now if you will excuse me, I need to run to the local florist. I just realized how long it has been since I sent flowers to my wife.

Until next week, slow down, pay attention, wear your seatbelt, and drive safely.

HCSO Main Line – 410.838.6600
Northern Precinct – 410.692.7880
Southern Precinct – 410.612.1717
HCSO Traffic Unit – 443.409.3324

Distracted Driving

July 23, 2024

Let’s take a little time this week to talk about texting and driving. We all know that distracted driving is against the law. We should also understand how dangerous it can be. In 2023 alone, distracted driving contributed to 11 traffic fatalities in Harford County. Let’s dive into what makes distracted driving so dangerous.

Studies have shown that, on average, sending or receiving a text message in your vehicle will take your attention away from the road for about 5 seconds. Now, this is not to say that you are having a long, drawn-out conversation with your fantasy football squad. This is one single text message. Something as simple as “Will you stop at the store and pick up a milkshake from Chik-Fil-A”, will divert your attention from the task of driving for about 5 seconds. So, what’s the big deal? Well, I’m glad you asked. If you are driving at highway speed, which is around 65 miles per hour, you are moving at about 95.29 feet per second. This means that every second that passes, you are rambling 95 feet down the road. When you decide to pick up you cell phone and read the message from your BFF, you are covering roughly 426.45 feet WITHOUT looking at the road.

Pretty scary to think that you are traversing the length of a football field without seeing where you are going. Now, let’s add to that the average perception/reaction time of an adult driver. A sober, adult human being, in perfect weather condition has an average perception/ reaction time of about 1.6 seconds (This is rooted in science. Feel free to fact check me here). So, at 65 miles per hours, you will cover about 152.26 feet reacting to an obstacle in front of you. Add that to the time you spent reading the text message your milkshake-addicted friend sent you and you are hurtling down the road for roughly 579 feet without seeing the road in front of you. Basically, you are covering the distance of two football fields in a 3000-pound missile with no regard for those around you. It is no wonder texting while driving is such a dangerous endeavor.
The next time you are driving and hear your text notification go off, think about the potential lives you could save by NOT answering right away. That message can wait, but we can never get back the lives we lose to distracted driving.

Until next week, slow down, pay attention, wear your seatbelt, and drive safely.

HCSO Main Line – 410.838.6600
Northern Precinct – 410.692.7880
Southern Precinct – 410.612.1717
HCSO Traffic Unit – 443.409.3324

Vacation Planning

July 9, 2024

Summer is in full swing, which means lots of you are hitting the open road for vacations, weekend trips, or just a quick dip in the local pool. When you are out driving, prevention is always a good idea. If you take steps to plan ahead, you can avoid dangerous breakdowns on the road.

Be sure to have your car serviced before any long trips. Changing the oil and topping off necessary fluids will help your car help you get to where you are going. The last thing you want is to be stuck on the side of a busy highway with 7 screaming kids and a dog in 103-degree heat.

Pack an emergency kit. Things like snacks, a flashlight, jumper cables and LOTS of water will all be your best friend should you find yourself stranded and waiting on help. I would avoid things like gummy bears though. They hate the heat more than you do.

Finally, take your time. Leave early and plan your trip so you don’t feel rushed. There are going to be lots and lots of other drivers sharing the road with you this summer. Don’t let frustration and aggressive driving ruin an otherwise fun vacation.

Follow these simple tips and you will be able to enjoy your time away to work on your base tan and prepare for the next great adventure: the drive back home.
Until next week, slow down, pay attention, wear your seatbelt, and drive safely.

HCSO Main Line – 410.838.6600
Northern Precinct – 410.692.7880
Southern Precinct – 410.612.1717
HCSO Traffic Unit – 443.409.3324