Make a Contribution
- All contributions are welcome.
- Membership is not necessary to make a donation to the foundation.
Contribute via mail
- Contribution HCSF Letter and Reply Card
Contributions to the Harford County Sheriff’s Foundation, Inc. are taxdeductible under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code.
The Harford County Sheriff’s Foundation was established in 2012 as a private, business-sponsored, non-profit organization dedicated to improving the quality of police service in the County.
The goal is to strengthen the relationship between police, citizens and the business community.
The Harford County Sheriff’s Foundationrecognizes the vital contribution the Harford County Sheriff’s Office makes to the well being and quality of life enjoyed by individuals and businesses in the County.
A strong partnership between business and law enforcement provides the impetus for the Sheriff’s Office to achieve and maintain excellence.
Our Beliefs and Mission
The Harford County Sheriff’s Foundation’s mission is to charitably support Harford County Sheriff’s Office law enforcement men and women by meeting a financial need beyond what is normally provided through public sector support.
In doing so, the Harford County Sheriff’s Foundation will strive to educate and raise community awareness about the needs of the Harford County Sheriff’s Office.
Your tax-deductible contribution to the Harford County Sheriff’s Foundation supports one of the finest law enforcement agencies in the country.
Your contribution will be used to:
- Raise awareness of important unbudgeted or “discretionary” needs that will improve crime-prevention and law-enforcement efficiency
- Provide healthy outlets for local youth
- Reduce violence and gangs in communities
- Broaden HCSO community relations
- Ensure a safer living and working environment
- Provide training for deputies to improve their skills
Membership in the Harford County Sheriff’s Foundation is open to individuals, associations, civic groups and business organizations.
Membership assessment for contributing businesses, associations, and civic organization is $500.00 annually.
The assessment for individuals membership is $250.00 annually.
Members will receive acknowledgement in Harford County Sheriff’s Foundation literature, programs and functions, where applicable.
Contact Information
For more information, contact the Harford County Sheriff’s Foundation at 410-836-6226.