Policies and Reports

This Manual sets forth standards, values, and expectations of the Harford County Sheriff’s Office and is the ongoing product of changing laws, practices and procedures that are integral to providing guidance and direction to every member of the Harford County Sheriff’s Office.

To the extent that Agency policy may contain provisions more restrictive than state or federal law, such provisions are not intended, nor may they be construed or applied, to create a basis for liability against the Sheriff’s Office or any of its employees.

The Harford County Sheriff’s Office policy manual is a living document that is subject to constant change. New laws, court decisions, methodologies and other factors dictate the need for a continual review of these policies, initiating revisions and additions where necessary and appropriate. The Harford County Sheriff’s Office has undertaken a comprehensive evaluation of our policies and will be adding additional policies as they are completed.

The Harford County Sheriff’s Office Manual is maintained by the Planning and Research Division.

All documents contained within this system have been approved by Sheriff Gahler. His signature may not be displayed on copies within this software. The original document, with the signature, is on file with the Planning and Research Division. Our policies are regularly reviewed and revised to ensure they are compliant with local, state and federal regulations and law, and remain pertinent to our daily mission. All revisions are highlighted in yellow. Please contact the Planning and Research Division if you have any inquiries regarding our policies.

Harford County Sheriff’s Office
Annual Report 2023

Harford County Police
Community Survey Feb 2024
View Infographic

Sheriff Gahler Letter to County Administrator McCord
Harford County Sheriff’s Office
October 2023

Maryland Police Training and Standards Commission
Community Policing Program
Annual Report 2023

Harford County Sheriff’s Office
Annual Report 2022

Maryland Police Training and Standards Commission
Community Policing Program
Annual Report 2022

Harford County Sheriff’s Office
Annual Report 2021

Harford County Strategic
Highway Safety Plan

Harford County Police
Community Survey Oct 2021
View Infographic

Harford County Sheriff’s Office
Annual Report 2020

Harford County Sheriff’s Office
Annual Report 2019

Harford County Traffic Safety Plan

    ADM 0101 Written Directives


    To establish policy and procedures for the utilization of agency written directives.


    The Harford County Sheriff’s Office utilizes a variety of written directives to define policies and procedures that provide guidance for Agency members while performing assigned duties and to establish professional standards of conduct and behavior for its members.

    ADM 0102 Communications


    To establish guidelines and procedures for the use of Agency communications equipment.


    Agency radios, mobile data computers (MDC) and automatic vehicle locators (AVL) will be used in a manner that reflects professionalism and enhances officer safety.

    ADM 0201 Organizational Structure


    To define and describe the organizational structure of the Harford County Sheriff's Office (HCSO).


    The HCSO will maintain an organizational structure that is based primarily on function, responsibility or geography to promote the effective and efficient operation of the Agency.

    ADM 0202 Organizational Direction


    To define and describe the organizational direction of the HCSO.


    The HCSO will provide all employees with a detailed description of the HCSO command structure to ensure they understand their responsibility and authority within the Department.

    ADM 0301 Authority and Jurisdiction


    To provide members of the HCSO with guidelines regarding authority and jurisdiction of Agency personnel.


    HCSO members will perform their duties as defined under the laws of the State of Maryland and the authority of the Sheriff.

    ADM 0302 Service of Legal Process


    To provide members of the Harford County Sheriff's Office (HCSO) with guidelines regarding protocols and service of certain legal processes.


    One of the most important and traditional functions of the Harford County Sheriff’s Office is service and documentation of certain legal processes. Therefore, to maintain its integrity, HCSO personnel will adhere to all pertinent local, state, and federal standards and procedures in the execution of this mission.

    ADM 0403 Polygraph Examinations


    To establish procedures for requesting and conducting polygraph examinations, as well as the requirements and qualifications of polygraph examiners.


    The Harford County Sheriff’s Office (HCSO) will conduct polygraph examinations for criminal investigative purposes, pre-employment screening, and internal affairs investigations, using certified HCSO polygraph examiners. The services of the HCSO Polygraph Unit will be made available to HCSO members, the Harford County State’s Attorney’s Office (HCSAO), and any other law enforcement agencies. An agency from another jurisdiction requesting these services must comply with all standards set forth in this policy.

    ADM 0501 Random and Reasonable Suspicion Drug Testing


    To provide members of the Harford County Sheriff’s Office (HCSO) with guidelines regarding random and reasonable suspicion employee drug testing.


    This policy applies to all members of the HCSO. The HCSO recognizes the importance of providing a safe and healthy work environment for all members. Therefore, the HCSO has adopted a zero-tolerance policy for drug abuse. All members will be required to submit to testing on a random, unannounced basis. All members are also subject to reasonable suspicion testing. The Harford County Sheriff’s Office will ensure members’ rights in testing. Assessment, counseling, and referral services for drug/substance abuse/dependency problems will be made available to all members.

    ADM 0501 Random and Reasonable Suspicion Drug Testing


    To provide members of the Harford County Sheriff’s Office (HCSO) with guidelines regarding random and reasonable suspicion employee drug testing.


    This policy applies to all members of the HCSO. The HCSO recognizes the importance of providing a safe and healthy work environment for all members. Therefore, the HCSO has adopted a zero-tolerance policy for drug abuse. All members will be required to submit to testing on a random, unannounced basis. All members are also subject to reasonable suspicion testing. The Harford County Sheriff’s Office will ensure members’ rights in testing. Assessment, counseling, and referral services for drug/substance abuse/dependency problems will be made available to all members.

    ADM 0502 Hearing - Employment Status Reviews


    Any non-probationary employee, regards of classification, who has been recommended by a supervisor for termination as a result of poor performance, or who is unable to perform essential job functions shall be afforded a hearing regarding his employment status.


    It is the policy of the Harford County Sheriff's Office to afford a status review hearing to determine employment status. This policy in no way replaces or alters the rights afforded the sworn ranks under LEOBR, COBR, or the due process provided civilian employees as a result of disciplinary action.

    ADM 0503 Respiratory Protection


    To establish and implement the Harford County Sheriff’s Office (HCSO) Respiratory Protection Program for guarding employees from exposures to toxic contaminants or conditions involving potentially dangerous atmospheres.


    To follow the legal and regulatory compliance requirements of Occupational Safety & Health Administration (OSHA) 29 CFR 1910.134, together with American National Standards Institute (ANSI) guidelines and all clarifying information.

    ADM 0504 AED


    To establish procedures for the use of the Automated External Defibrillator (AED).


    The Harford County Sheriff’s Office is committed to providing a safe environment for all citizens. In keeping with this goal, it shall be the policy of the Agency to provide Automated External Defibrillators for use by Agency members and to ensure members receive proper training in the use of the AED.

    ADM 0505 Critical Incident Stress Management and Wellness Program


    To focus on employee wellness, develop and implement a Critical Incident Stress Management Team (CISM).


    CISM is designed to be a confidential consultation and resource for members and is not to be used as an investigative tool. The team will consist of trained sworn and non-sworn Sheriff’s Office personnel able to support members by aiding in the areas of personal and group debriefing, anonymous and confidential peer support, and resilience training.

    ADM 0506 Death of Critical Injury of Agency Member


    To provide HCSO members with guidelines and protocols regarding the death or critical injury of Agency members.


    To provide compassionate support to members and their families following the death or critical injury of an Agency member.

    ADM 0507 Communicable Diseases and Bloodborne Pathogens


    To eliminate or minimize employee exposure to bloodborne pathogens and to provide training regarding communicable diseases. The policy also delineates procedures to be followed in the event of an exposure.


    The Agency has implemented the Harford County Sheriff’s Office (HCSO) Exposure Control Plan for Bloodborne Pathogens, to meet the OSHA Bloodborne Pathogens Standards, Codified as 29 CFR 1910.1030.

    ADM 0510 Medical Conditions and Prescription Medication


    To provide members of the Harford County Sheriff’s Office (HCSO) with guidelines regarding reportable medical conditions and the use of prescription medication.


    Employees are permitted to take prescription drugs and / or over-the-counter medications consistent with appropriate medical treatment plans while working for the HCSO. When such medications may affect an employee’s job performance, safety, or the efficient operation of the HCSO, the employee must notify the HCSO.

    ADM 0601 Agency Vehicles


    To provide guidance to employees on proper vehicle use while on and off-duty.


    HCSO employees will use vehicles in a manner that conforms to this policy.

    ADM 0602 Agency Vehicle Crashes


    To provide Harford County Sheriff's Office (HCSO) employees with guidance on the proper procedures to follow when vehicles owned or leased by the HCSO or Harford County are being operated by HCSO personnel and involved in motor vehicle crashes.


    All motor vehicle crashes of vehicles owned or leased by the HCSO or Harford County that are operated by HCSO personnel will be reported and investigated.

    ADM 0603 Crash Review Committee


    To establish the Harford County Sheriff's Office (HCSO) Crash Review Committee and the position of Fleet Safety Coordinator.


    To comply with the Harford County Risk Management Motor Vehicle Crash Prevention Program, the HCSO will establish the Crash Review Committee and the position of Fleet Safety Coordinator.

    ADM 0604 Crash Preventability


    To provide Harford County Sheriff's Office (HCSO) personnel with a reference to determine crash preventability.


    Supervisors and Division Commanders of the Harford County Sheriff's Office (HCSO) will evaluate each Agency vehicle crash to determine preventability using the guidelines established by the Harford County Sheriff's Office.

    ADM 0605 Preventable Crash Management


    To establish procedures that will be followed whenever a Harford County Sheriff's Office (HCSO) employee is involved in a preventable vehicle crash.


    The HCSO has established non-disciplinary administrative procedures to be followed when employees are involved in preventable vehicle crashes.

    ADM 0704 Computer Equipment Inventory


    To provide employees with guidance on the inventory and accountability of Harford County Sheriff's Office (HCSO) computer equipment.


    Employees will adhere to the following procedures for inventory and accountability of computer equipment.

    ADM 0705 Lost or Damaged Equipment


    To provide Harford County Sheriff's Office (HCSO) employees with guidance on proper procedures regarding lost or damaged Agency equipment.


    The Harford County Sheriff's Office will hold members accountable for Agency property and equipment used by and/or issued to them. Members are required to report lost or damaged Agency equipment in accordance with this policy without delay.

    ADM 1103 Mobile Video Systems


    The purpose of this policy is to provide members of the Harford County Sheriff's Office with guidelines for the operation of Mobile Video Systems (MVS) in Agency vehicles and to specify requirements pertinent to storage, viewing, release, and retention of MVS generated materials.


    It is the policy of the Harford County Sheriff's Office to ensure that deputies maximize the use of MVS equipment by following the procedures for MVS equipment as set forth in this policy. This technology is an investigative tool utilized to accurately capture events and statements during the course of an incident. Deputies will use MVS equipment for the purpose of accurate documentation of events, actions, conditions, and statements made during citizen contacts, arrests, critical incidents, and for courtroom presentation. MVS material will enhance a deputy’s ability to document and review actions and statements for reporting purposes, as well as courtroom testimony. This material may also be used to provide an impartial measurement for self-critique and field observations.

    ADM 1105 Social Media-Social Networking


    To establish a policy regarding the use of online social media by Harford County Sheriffs Office (HCSO) employees.


    HCSO requires employees using social media to maintain professionalism, while also recognizing that HCSO employees have a First Amendment right to post on social media matters of public concern so long as the posts are not made pursuant to official duties or do not adversely affect the HCSO's efficient provision of services to the public.

    ADM 1107


    To establish guidelines and procedures for Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) Criminal Justice Information System (CJIS) Security and Training for the Harford County Sheriff’s Office (HCSO) as mandated by the FBI CJIS Security Policy.


    All individuals who require unescorted access to any HCSO Agency facility must have CJIS fingerprints on file, must have had a full background check and the designated level of Security Awareness Training. This requirement includes all Agency personnel, regardless of rank or position, vendors, contractors, interns, etc. that require unescorted access to Agency facilities.

    ADM 1201 Office of Media and Public Relations


    To provide members of the Harford County Sheriff's Office (HCSO) with guidelines regarding the procedures for the release of public information and contact with media.


    The Harford County Sheriff's Office shall make available to the news media and the public, information which is of general public interest, or which is vital to the safety of the citizens of Harford County.

    ADM 1203 Public Recording of Law Enforcement Activity


    To provide guidance for members pertaining to the rights of citizens or the media to photograph, videotape, and / or audiotape members of the Harford County Sheriff’s Office during the discharge of his law enforcement duties.


    Individuals have a First Amendment right to record a member in the public discharge of his law enforcement duties as long as the individual’s actions do not interfere with the duties of the deputy, or jeopardizes the safety of the deputy or others. The right to record items in plain view / hearing includes such places as public buildings, streets and sidewalks and any area where the individual has a legal right to be present such as the individual’s home or business or other private property. No member of the Harford County Sheriff's Office may prevent or prohibit any person's ability to observe, photograph, and / or make a video recording (with or without a simultaneous audio recording) of law enforcement activity that occurs in the public domain, so long as the person's location, actions, and / or behavior do not create a legitimate, articulable threat to officer safety or the safety of others, or an unlawful hindrance to successful resolution of the law enforcement activity.

    ADM 1302 Grants Management


    To describe the grant process and the responsibilities of personnel involved in grant management.


    The Harford County Sheriff’s Office (HCSO) will maintain a grants program to locate, apply for, and manage grants that support the mission of the HCSO.

    ADM 1401 Forms Control Program


    To describe the management of Harford County Sheriff's Office forms.


    To describe the management of Harford County Sheriff's Office forms.

    ADM 0203


    To establish the Harford County Sheriff’s Office (HCSO) Risk Assessment and Mitigation Processes (RAMP) to identify, assess, and propose mitigation/control measures.


    To provide HCSO personnel with guidance on proper and disciplined procedures regarding risk identification, frequency, severity, and control measures to mitigate those risks.

    PER 0101 Code of Conduct


    To describe the rules of conduct for all Harford County Sheriff’s Office (HCSO) employees.


    All personnel will obey the rules of conduct listed below.

    PER 0102 Oath of Office


    To provide the Oath of Office that will be taken by all deputies.


    All deputies will take and abide by the Oath of Office contained in this written directive.

    PER 0103 Core Values


    To describe the core values of the HCSO and outline the employees' responsibility to uphold them.


    HCSO will develop and preserve the public's confidence and trust in the HCSO disciplinary process.

    PER 0104 Code of Ethics


    To provide all employees of the Harford County Sheriff’s Office (HCSO) with information about the Maryland Public Ethics Law and to provide a Code of Ethics that will be followed by all employees.


    All employees will abide by the Maryland Public Ethics Law and all deputies will abide by the Code of Ethics contained in this policy.

    PER 0105 Vision, Mission, Goals


    To describe the vision, mission and goals of the HCSO.


    The HCSO will provide a description of the vision, mission and goals to all employees.

    PER 0201 Complaints Against Non Law Enforcement Personnel


    To establish standard and consistent procedures for handling administrative complaints against sworn Correctional Deputies.


    The Harford County Sheriff's Office (HCSO) shall strive to ensure the highest level of integrity is achieved and maintained by properly receiving and investigating all complaints against personnel in a thorough, fair, and expeditious manner.

    PER 0203 Correctional Officer's Bill of Rights


    To provide the Correctional Officers' Bill of Rights (COBR) within the Manual of Operations as a reference.


    The HCSO will include the current version of the COBR within the Manual of Operations.

    PER 0204 Progressive Supervision


    To provide supervisors and deputies with information explaining the different types of supervisory and disciplinary procedures.


    The Harford County Sheriff's Office will use a supervisory model for all deputies that is on a continuum that will provide a progressive approach to keep deputies focused and productive while deterring unwanted behavior.

    PER 0205 Emergency Suspension of Correctional Powers


    To describe the procedures to be followed when it becomes necessary to perform an emergency suspension of a deputy's correctional powers.


    The Harford County Sheriffs Office (HCSO) may suspend a deputy ·s correctional powers when deemed to be in the best interest of the public and the HCSO. The process will be in accordance with the Maryland Code Annotated, the Correctional Services Article, Title 11 the Correctional Officers· Bill Rights (COBR).

    PER 0206 Penalty Assessment Guidelines


    The purpose of administrative discipline is to correct and educate employees for inappropriate behavior. The Penalty Assessment Guidelines will define the categories of infractions and violations therefore enabling the Harford County Sheriff's Office (HCSO) to handle discipline in a fair and equitable manner for all employees.


    The Harford County Sheriff's Office will create Penalty Assessment Guidelines in an effort to establish general categories for infractions and violations of the rules and regulations to provide a framework for the purpose of providing consistent and fair penalties to all employees.

    PER 0207 Penalty Assessment Matrix


    To provide a Penalty Assessment Matrix to all employees except Law Enforcement as a mechanism to enable the fair and equitable handling of employee discipline.


    Commanders will be guided by the Penalty Assessment Matrix when determining disciplinary measures to be imposed for administrative misconduct. The Matrix is a framework for the purpose of providing consistent and fair penalties to all employees except Law Enforcement when necessary, unless adherence to the Matrix will result in an injustice to the Harford County Sheriff's Office or the employee.

    PER 0208 Administrative Hearing Boards Correctional Deputies


    To provide Harford County Sheriff's Office (HCSO) correctional deputies with procedures that will be followed when conducting an Administrative Hearing Board.


    The HCSO will ensure that all administrative hearings are conducted in a timely, consistent and fair manner, and in accordance with the Correctional Services Article, Title 11 the Correctional Officers' Bill Rights (COBR).

    PER 0209 Office of Professional Standards


    To describe the purpose and responsibilities of the Office of Professional Standards (OPS).


    It is the policy of the Harford County Sheriff’s Office (HCSO) to maintain the public’s trust by policing itself through the use of the OPS.

    PER 0210 Early Intervention Program


    To establish an Early Intervention Program for all employees of the Harford County Sheriff's Office (HCSO).


    The Harford County Sheriff's Office will attempt to identify certain patterns of behavior and provide intervention in an effort to enhance progressive supervision with non-disciplinary remedies.

    PER 0211 Office of Professional Standards Notifications and Investigations


    To describe the notification and investigation procedures for the Office of Professional Standards (OPS).


    OPS will be the central repository for all internal investigations involving Agency members and must be notified in certain situations.



    To provide Harford County Sheriff’s Office (HCSO) Law Enforcement Deputies with procedures that will be followed when conducting an Administrative Hearing Board.


    The HCSO will coordinate with the Administrative Hearing Board and strive to achieve timely, consistent, and fair administrative hearings.

    PER 0213 Harford County Sheriff’s Office Accountability Process


    To implement a process of accountability for Law Enforcement Deputies within the Harford County Sheriff’s Office (HCSO).


    The Harford County Sheriff will provide the Law Enforcement Deputies of the HCSO with the rights as delineated in the Harford County Sheriff’s Office Accountability Process (HCSOAP).

    PER 0214 Complaints Against Law Enforcement Deputies


    To provide personnel of the Harford County Sheriff’s Office (HCSO) with guidance for handling complaints of misconduct against Law Enforcement Deputies.


    The HCSO will strive to ensure the highest level of integrity is achieved and maintained by properly receiving and investigating all complaints against Law Enforcement Deputies in a thorough, fair, and expeditious manner.

    PER 0215 Emergency Suspension of Law Enforcement Powers


    To describe the procedures to be followed when it becomes necessary to perform an emergency suspension of a Law Enforcement Deputy’s police powers.


    The Harford County Sheriff’s Office (HCSO) may suspend a deputy’s police powers when deemed to be in the best interest of the public and the HCSO. The process will be in accordance with the Maryland Code Annotated, Public Safety Article, Title 3, subtitle 1 the Police Accountability Act, and the HCSO Policy PER 0213, the Harford County Sheriff’s Office Accountability Process.

    PER 0216 Penalty Assessment Matrix Law Enforcement Deputies


    To provide a Penalty Assessment Matrix to all Law Enforcement Deputies as a mechanism to enable the fair and equitable handling of employee discipline.


    Commanders will be guided by the uniform State disciplinary matrix developed by the Maryland Police Training and Standards Commission (MPTSC) when determining disciplinary measures to be imposed for all matters of administrative misconduct. The Matrix is a framework for the purpose of providing consistent and fair penalties to all employees, when necessary, unless adherence to the Matrix will result in an injustice to the Harford County Sheriff’s Office or the employee

    PER 0301 Sexual Harassment-Workplace Harassment-Discrimination


    To provide agency members with a workplace free from sexual harassment and discrimination and maintain a zero tolerance in dealing with any forms of sexual harassment, workplace harassment, or discrimination.


    The Harford County Sheriff's Office prohibits discrimination and/or harassment based on age; ancestry; color; creed; gender identity or expression; genetic information; marital status; mental or physical disability; national origin; pregnancy; race; religious affiliation, belief or opinion; sex; or sexual orientation; or any other attribute protected by law.

    PER 0302 Grievances


    To provide employees of the Harford County Sheriff's Office (HCSO) with guidelines regarding the use of the grievance process.


    The Harford County Sheriff's Office will afford agency employees the opportunity to resolve issues that cause them distress, in a fair and equitable manner.

    PER 0303 Domestic Violence and the Workplace


    To describe how the Harford County Sheriff's Office (HCSO) creates a supportive workplace environment so employees can report and discuss domestic violence incidents and issues.


    The HCSO has a zero tolerance policy for domestic violence incidents and the workplace. The agency will take appropriate disciplinary action and pursue criminal prosecution against any employee or non-employee who threatens to commit, attempts to commit, or commits an act of domestic violence in county offices, facilities, work sites, vehicles, or while conducting any County business.

    PER 0401 HCSO Employee Selection


    To establish and maintain a process to select the most qualified applicants to become Harford County Sheriffs Office (HCSO) employees.


    The HCSO is an equal opportunity employer and prohibits discrimination in recruitment based on race, creed, sex, age, color, national origin, marital status, sexual orientation or physical or mental disability. The HCSO will recruit and process all applicants who meet the minimum requirements for the position for which they are applying, with the goal of maintaining a highly-qualified, diverse workforce.

    PER 0405 Volunteers in Police Support (VIPS)


    The Harford County Sheriffs Office (HCSO) may use volunteers to assist personnel with non-law enforcement functions.


    The HCSO will encourage participation and partnership between the Harford County Sheriff's Office and the citizens of Harford County by using the services of citizens based upon their skills, training and availability to perform volunteer tasks under the direct supervision of designated Agency employees.

    PER 0406 Volunteer Chaplain Policy


    The Harford County Sheriff's Office (HCSO) will use Chaplains to assist Agency personnel.


    The HCSO will maintain the Volunteer Chaplain Program (VCP) to provide qualified, confidential assistance to employees, their families and others using volunteer clergy.

    PER 0407 Explorer Program


    To describe the operational practices of Harford County Sheriffs Office (HCSO) Explorer Post #6600.


    The HCSO Explorer Program offers youth an opportunity to learn about many facets of law enforcement. The program provides an opportunity for those interested to interact with and learn from Harford County Deputies. The program also provides an opportunity to learn the requirements to succeed in a law enforcement career and teaches the explorer about leadership, discipline, courage, honor, and integrity.

    PER 0408 Student Interns


    The Harford County Sheriffs Office (HCSO) will partner with the educational institutions in our county, state and region to offer volunteer intern opportunities.


    The HCSO is committed to developing partnerships with the educational institutions of the region by allowing students to participate in internships. The objective of the Student Interns Program is to provide a positive learning environment for interested students. Those participating in this program will experience various aspects and responsibilities of law enforcement and corrections.

    PER 0409 Auxiliary Deputy Program


    The Harford County Sheriffs Office (HCSO) will use volunteers to assist personnel in non-law enforcement functions.


    The HCSO encourages participation and partnership between the HCSO and the citizens of Harford County by using the services of citizens based upon their skills, training , and ability to perform volunteer tasks under the direct supervision of designated HCSO employees . The HCSO Auxiliary Deputy Program is intended to encourage the HCSO and the citizens of Harford County to collaborate to achieve the mission of the HCSO.

    PER 0501 Transfers of Deputies & Civilian Employees


    To provide members of the Harford County Sheriff's Office (HCSO) with guidelines regarding the procedures for Inter-Divisional, Intra-Divisional , Supervisory and Hardship Transfers.


    The HCSO will maintain a consistent and fair process to transfer employees to serve the needs of the HCSO, the employee or the public as the Sheriff considers necessary.

    PER 0502 Separation from Employment


    To outline the procedures followed when an employee separates from employment for the Harford County Sheriff’s Office (HCSO).


    HCSO employees may resign at any time, but the resignation is not official until accepted by the Sheriff. Retirements must be effective the first of the month.

    PER 0503 Career Development Opportunities for Sworn Personnel


    To provide opportunities for deputies to advance their career goals while allowing the Harford County Sheriff's Office the opportunity to develop personnel.


    To provide opportunities for deputies to advance their career goals while allowing the Harford County Sheriff's Office the opportunity to develop personnel.

    PER 0602 Promotional Process


    To provide members of the Harford County Sheriffs Office (HCSO) with guidelines regarding the procedures for promotion within the Agency.


    The Harford County Sheriffs Office provides an equal opportunity for all of its members to compete and be considered for promotion. The components of its promotional process are non-discriminatory, are job-related and based upon business necessity. However, the process does not guarantee or create entitlement to promotion for any individual candidate.

    PER 0701 Uniforms and Appearance Standards


    To establish guidelines for appearance standards and the wearing of agency uniforms.


    Sworn agency members, including contractual deputies, shall wear the issued agency uniform while on-duty.

    PER 0703 Body Modifications


    To establish standards for acceptable and unacceptable body modifications applicable to all employees.


    Deputies and civilian employees will present themselves in a manner that complies with this policy.

    PER 0704 Quality Control


    To provide members of the Harford County Sheriff's Office with guidelines regarding internal quality control procedures.


    The Harford County Sheriff's Office is committed to preserving the peace and providing a safe environment for all citizens of Harford County and visitors to our communities. To accomplish this, the HCSO the Office has established operating standards and will ensure the uniformity, quality, efficiency, and proper documentation of directives and procedures.

    PER 0801 Training Academy Operations


    To establish standard and consistent procedures regarding Training Academy operations and responsibilities.


    The Harford County Sheriff's Office recognizes the vital nature that training has in the daily operations of any law enforcement agency. It is the goal of the Harford County Sheriff's Office to provide quality professional training that meets or exceeds the needs of its various law enforcement, corrections, and civilian personnel. In addition, the Harford County Sheriff's Office strives to ensure that the training provide is accurate, professional, timely, and safe.

    PER 0802 Training Academy Instructors


    To establish standard guidelines and requirements for Training Academy Instructors.


    HCSO Training Academy instructors will adhere to Agency policies and procedures and meet Maryland Police & Correctional Training Commissions certification requirements.

    PER 0803 Entrance Level Training Academy


    To establish standard and consistent procedures for the planning of an entrance level training academy.


    The Harford County Sheriff's Office is certified through the Maryland Police and Correctional Training Commissions (MPCTC) to conduct entrance level training. The HCSO will adhere to the established guidelines and policies of the Agency and the MPCTC to foster a professional and safe learning environment for our trainees.

    PER 0804 In-Service Training


    To establish standard guidelines and requirements for in-service training.


    The Harford County Sheriff's Office will provide in-service training to members of the Agency.

    PER 0805 Training Seminars and Training Requests


    To establish standard guidelines with regards to training seminars and training requests.


    The Harford County Sheriff's Office may provide additional training opportunities to Agency members beyond required in-service training, after review by the member's chain of command and with careful consideration given to budgetary and manpower constraints.

    PER 0806 Training Safety


    To establish standardized training safety guidelines.


    The Harford County Sheriff's Office strives to provide quality and realistic training for Agency members without compromising safety.

    PER 0807 Performance Standards


    To establish minimum academic and physical standards for Deputy Sheriff recruits.


    The Harford County Sheriff's Office will graduate and certify only those recruits who are able to successfully meet all of the standards set forth by the Maryland Police and Correctional Training Commissions (MPCTC).

    PER 0808 Academy Certification


    To ensure that the Harford County Sheriff’s Office (HCSO) Training Academy meets or exceeds the standards set by the Maryland Police & Correctional Training Commissions (MPCTC) in order to be a certified police academy.


    The Training Academy will maintain accreditation through the MPCTC.

    PER 0809 Fraternization


    To provide guidance concerning relationships between deputy recruits and Harford County Sheriff’s Office (HCSO) employees.


    Deputy recruits and HCSO employees will refrain from inappropriate relationships.

    PER 0810 Course Coordinators


    To describe the responsibilities of course coordinators assigned to instruct at the Harford County Sheriff’s Office (HCSO) Training Academy.


    It is the policy of the HCSO to assign course coordinators for each of the Training Academy’s mandated areas of instruction.

    PER 0812 Training Course Design & Lesson Plans


    To describe how the Harford County Sheriff’s Office (HCSO) Training Academy develops classes and lesson plans.


    The HCSO Training Academy follows state guidelines for creating, maintaining, and evaluating training courses.

    PER 0813 Practical Exercises and Reality Based Training


    To describe how practical exercises and reality-based training will be incorporated into Harford County Sheriff’s Office (HCSO) training.


    Practical exercises and reality-based training will be used to instruct and evaluate certain curricula.

    PER 0901 Performance Appraisal Rating (PAR)


    To provide emloyees of the Harford County Sheriff's Office with guidelines regarding the procedures for completion and use of performance appraisals within the Agency.


    To provide guidelines for how supervisors are to document employee performance.

    PER 0902 Employee Performance – Guardian Tracking System


    Employees are the most valuable resource of the Harford County Sheriff's Office. The Guardian Tracking System provides supervisors with a comprehensive tool for recognizing employee performance as well as the means to document employee shortcomings in a transparent manner. Understanding that its employees deserve recognition for exceptional performance and the opportunity to correct shortcomings, the Harford County Sheriff's Office will utilize the Guardian Tracking System. Supervisors will base employee performance appraisals on a comprehensive review and evaluation of all entries made in the Guardian System for the employees during the evaluation period. In addition to serving as a basis for employee performance appraisals, to the extent that it illuminates repeated negative performance or behavior, Guardian Tracking can serve as an employee early warning system. Supervisors should make every effort to remediate patterns of repeated poor performance or behavior before seeking adverse employment action against the employee.


    The Harford County Sheriff's Office will base employee performance appraisals on a comprehensive review and evaluation of all entries made in the Guardian Tracking System for an employee during the evaluation period. The Guardian Tracking System should be used to document positive performance as well as to notify employees of performance deemed unacceptable. The use of the Guardian Tracking System as the performance appraisal rating tool will also provide data for making personnel decisions involving compensation, training, development, and discipline or termination.

    PER 0903 Awards Review Committee - Awards Submission


    To establish guidelines for the Awards Review Committee and procedures for awards submissions.


    HCSO will officially recognize and record outstanding performance by an employee or a group of employees.

    PER 0904 Performance Awards


    To describe the performance awards issued by the HCSO.


    It is the policy of the HCSO that outstanding performance by an employee or a group of employees be officially recognized and recorded.

    PER 0905


    Effective July 1, 2022, all certified police officers in the State of Maryland, as defined by Public Safety Article § 3-201, must submit to a physical agility assessment as determined by the Maryland Police Training & Standards Commission (MPTSC). This physical agility assessment is a requirement for initial certification, and as a condition of recertification, a police officer is required to submit to an annual physical agility assessment to establish continuing fitness to carry out the deputy’s assigned duties.


    All Harford County Sheriff’s Office (HCSO) law enforcement deputies, at the ranks below Colonel who carry a MPTSC card, will submit to a physical agility assessment as described in this policy.

    PER 0906 Positive Community Feedback


    It is important for the Harford County Sheriff’s Office (HCSO) to acknowledge, record, and recognize law enforcement personnel for their good work and community engagement to help improve job satisfaction and morale of personnel. Gathering positive community feedback and creating a mechanism for direct community dialogue promotes and strengthens mutual trust and respect between the HCSO and the community.


    The HCSO will provide a means to efficiently receive and document all positive community feedback concerning the Agency and its employees.

    PER 1001 Secondary/Supplemental Employment


    To provide members of the Harford County Sheriff’s Office (HCSO) with guidelines and procedures regarding secondary employment.


    The HCSO will permit Agency members to engage in secondary employment, provided the secondary employment does not interfere with or negatively impact the member’s ability to perform their assigned duties with the Sheriff’s Office.

    PER 1002 Leave and Modified Duty


    To provide members of the Harford County Sheriff's Office (HCSO) with guidelines regarding time off with or without leave, modified duty, and use of medications.


    The HCSO recognizes and respects the value of its members. As such, part of the employment package includes time-off that shall be used according to the guidelines contained in this policy. In addition, the Agency values having the member at work and will strive to provide a period of modified duty when they are medically unable to perform the essential functions of their job.

    PER 1003 Tuition Reimbursement


    To provide members of the Harford County Sheriff's Office with guidelines and procedures for participation in the employee Tuition Reimbursement Program.


    The Harford County Sheriff's Office supports the efforts of individual employees to improve their job-related skills and knowledge by acquiring education necessar to enhance their skills or prepare for career-related promotional opportunities. Therefore, eligible employees will be reimbursed for educational courses related to the advancement of their education in pursuit of a Harford County Sheriff's Office work-related degree, contingent upon the availability of funds for the program. This program represents one element of the Office's investment in its workforce.

    PER 1004 Salary Augmentation


    To provide Harford County Sheriffs Office (HCSO) employees with guidelines regarding salary augmentation.


    The HCSO recognizes and respects the value of its members. As such. part of the employment package includes salary augmentation that shall be used according to the guidelines contained in this policy.

    PER 1005 Military Service


    To outline the duties and responsibilities of the Harford County Sheriff's Office (HCSO) and its employees who are members of a national guard or a military reserve component of the armed forces.


    HCSO will support employees who serve in the military.

    PER 1007 Purchase of HCSO Issued Handguns


    To establish a procedure by which retiring sworn law enforcement deputies may purchase their Harford County Sheriff’s Office (HCSO) issued handgun.


    The HCSO will allow sworn law enforcement deputies who retire in good standing to purchase their HCSO issued primary duty handgun by following the procedure described in this policy. The handgun can be purchased only if not required to be retained due to budgetary or availability concerns. The Agency may elect to dispose of any handgun owned by the Agency pursuant to law.

    PER 0603


    To outline the terms of the employment relationship during the probationary period for all newly hired employees and promoted employees.


    The Harford County Sheriff's Office will evaluate each new employee during the probationary period to determine if conduct and performance of duties is satisfactory to continue as a permanent employee. Any employee promoted will serve a probationary period to determine if conduct and performance of duties is satisfactory in the new position.

    OPS 0731


    The Harford County Sheriff’s Office (HCSO) has adopted the National Incident Management System (NIMS) as the primary method to prepare for, respond to, and manage critical events. NIMS is a comprehensive national approach to incident management, applicable at all jurisdictional levels and across functional disciplines. It provides a consistent framework for Federal, state, and local governments to work effectively and efficiently.


    The HCSO will utilize the National Incident Management System/Incident Command System (NIMS/ICS) in conjunction with other Agency policies and procedures as outlined in various written directives.

    MAN 6400 PREA (OPS 1403)


    To establish guidelines for the Agency to ensure confinement meets the 2003 Prison Rape Elimination Act (PREA) standards.


    The Harford County Sheriff’s Office (HCSO) has a zero-tolerance policy for sexual misconduct. Sexual conduct between inmates/detainees, staff and inmates/detainees, volunteer/contractual personnel, and inmates/detainees, regardless of consensual status is prohibited and will result in administrative and possible criminal sanctions. The HCSO is committed to the prevention of sexual misconduct by remaining alert and attentive to inmate behavior. Reports of sexual assault, intimidation, or harassment will be immediately investigated and possibly prosecuted. Any individuals making a false report of sexual misconduct may also be prosecuted.

    OPS 0101 Patrol


    Members assigned to Patrol Operations will follow the guidelines contained in this policy.


    Patrol personnel perform a unique function within the law enforcement field. Guidelines contained within this policy direct that function.

    OPS 0102 Citizen Ride-Along Program


    The Harford County Sheriff’s Office (HCSO) has established the Citizen Ride-Along Program (CRP) to give members of the community, and job applicants for the Agency, a better understanding and appreciation of the law enforcement role in the community.


    The Harford County Sheriff’s Office recognizes the desire of citizens to ride with deputies to learn the roles and responsibilities of law enforcement officers. The CRP allows citizens and other interested parties to ride with deputies for observational and/or educational purposes.

    OPS 0103 Body Worn cameras


    To provide employees with instructions on when and how to use body-worn cameras (BWC) so that they may reliably record contacts with the public.


    Law enforcement agencies are increasingly utilizing a variety of audio/video technology to further the mission and to ensure professionalism. The Harford County Sheriff’s Office (HCSO) will use these devices as a means of furthering agency ability to conduct criminal investigations, administrative investigations, and review procedures and tactics. Employees will activate the BWC when such use is appropriate to the proper performance of his official duties, where the recordings are consistent with this policy and law. This policy does not govern the use of surreptitious recording devices used in undercover operations.

    OPS 0104 Response to Police-Involved Deaths


    To inform deputies and supervisors of the Harford County Sheriff’s Office (HCSO or the Office) of their obligations when involved in or responding to Police-Involved Deaths (defined below) within Harford County or that involve HCSO Law Enforcement (LE) Deputies.


    Harford County Sheriff’s Office supervisors will respond to all Police-Involved Deaths in such a manner that, to the greatest extent possible, protects the health, safety, and dignity of all involved and will serve a vital role securing, and maintaining the scene. Supervisors will initiate through the Chain of Command notification to the Maryland Office of the Attorney General pursuant to law (Md. Public Safety Code Ann §3-507) and will cooperate with the independent investigation pursuant to law (Md. Code, State Government Article § 6-106.2). The Harford County Sheriff’s Office will conduct comprehensive criminal and administrative investigations of all Police-Involved Deaths resulting directly from an act or omission of a law enforcement deputy while the deputy is on duty.

    OPS 0202 Canine (K9) Unit


    To provide members of the Harford County Sheriff's Office (HCSO) with guidelines regarding the Special Operations Division (SOD) Canine Unit.


    The objective of the Canine Unit is to provide line support to Agency personnel by providing highly mobile, specially trained, police service dogs. The police service dog is primarily utilized as a locating tool, capable of searching for items or people and apprehending criminal suspects while providing additional safety for deputies.

    OPS 0205 Bicycle Patrol Program


    To enhance the community oriented policing philosophy of the Harford County Sheriff's Office (HCSO) and to provide an alternative to the traditional motorized patrol.


    Bicycle patrol deputies provide a highly visible law enforcement presence in targeted locations with the goal of reducing crime, cultivating community resources designed to address quality of life issues, and developing solutions to public safety concerns.

    OPS 0305 Hate-Bias Incidents


    To establish procedures for response to Hate/Bias incidents.


    Any acts or threats of violence, property damage, harassment, intimidation, or other crimes motivated by hate and bias and designed to infringe upon the rights of individuals are viewed very seriously by the Harford County Sheriff’s Office (HCSO) and will be given high priority. Members will employ all necessary resources and vigorous law enforcement action to identify and arrest hate/bias perpetrators. Also, recognizing the fears and the distress typically suffered by victims, the potential for reprisal, the escalation of violence, and the far-reaching negative consequences of these crimes on the community, members will be mindful of, and responsive to, the security concerns of victims and their families.

    OPS 0402 Vehicle Pursuit


    To provide members of the Harford County Sheriff’s Office (HCSO) with guidelines when operating Agency vehicles in a pursuit situation.


    The Harford County Sheriff’s Office (HCSO) shall maintain the safety of the public and the safety of its deputies as the primary concern when engaged in any pursuit situation. Deputies may pursue suspects who are attempting to evade apprehension in a vehicle, when warranted by the totality of the circumstances, in conformance with State law and HCSO policy.

    OPS 0403 Pursuit Review Committee


    To establish the Harford County Sheriff’s Office (HCSO) Vehicle Pursuit Review Committee (VPRC).


    To comply with OPS 0402, Vehicle Pursuit policy, the HCSO will establish the VPRC.

    OPS 0501 Use of Force


    To provide Harford County Sheriff's Office (HCSO) employees with guidance on proper procedures regarding situations when force must be used.


    Deputies have been given the responsibility to protect and serve all citizens while balancing the need for officer safety and are granted the authority to use force when necessary to accomplish lawful ends. This authority is grounded in the laws of the State of Maryland, the United States Constitution, Court rulings and the provisions of this policy. Recognition of, and respect for the dignity of all persons and the value of human life shall guide all training, leadership, and procedures, as well as guide deputies in the use of force.

    OPS 0502 HCSO Issued and Approved Firearms and Ammunition


    To provide members of the Harford County Sheriff's Office with guidelines regarding Agency approved firearms, ammunition, and qualification procedures.


    Deputies will carry, use, and maintain firearms in accordance with this directive.

    OPS 0503 Qualification and Remedial Firearms Training


    To provide members of the Harford County Sheriff's Office with guidelines regarding qualification and remedial firearms training.


    All deputies will qualify with issued and secondary weapons in accordance with this policy.

    OPS 0504 Use of Batons/Impact Weapons


    To provide Harford County Sheriff's Office (HCSO) employees with guidance on proper procedures regarding situations when batons or impact weapons are used.


    Deputies have been given the responsibility to protect and serve all citizens while balancing the need for officer safety and are granted the authority to use force when necessary to accomplish lawful ends. This authority is grounded in the laws of the State of Maryland, the United States Constitution, Court rulings and the provisions of this policy. Recognition of, and respect for the dignity of all persons and the value of human life shall guide all training, leadership, and procedures, as well as guide deputies in the use of force.

    OPS 0505 Use of Chemical Agents


    To provide Harford County Sheriff's Office (HCSO) employees with guidance on proper procedures regarding situations when chemical agents are used.


    Deputies have been given the responsibility to protect and serve all citizens while balancing the need for officer safety and are granted the authority to use force when necessary to accomplish lawful ends. This authority is grounded in the laws of the State of Maryland, the United States Constitution, Court rulings and the provisions of this policy. Recognition of, and respect for the dignity of all persons and the value of human life shall guide all training, leadership, and procedures, as well as guide deputies in the use of force.

    OPS 0506 Use of Conducted Energy Weapons


    To provide Harford County Sheriff's Office (HCSO) employees with guidelines for proper deployment of the Conducted Electrical Weapons (CEW) and the actions which shall take place thereafter.


    Deputies have been given the responsibility to protect and serve all citizens while balancing the need for officer safety and are granted the authority to use force when necessary to accomplish lawful ends. This authority is grounded in the laws of the State of Maryland, the United States Constitution, Court rulings and the provisions of this policy. Recognition of, and respect for the dignity of all persons and the value of human life shall guide all training, leadership, and procedures, as well as guide deputies in the use of force.

    OPS 0507 Use of Firearms


    To provide Harford County Sheriff's Office (HCSO) employees with guidance on proper procedures regarding situations when firearms must be used.


    Deputies have been given the responsibility to protect and serve all citizens while balancing the need for officer safety and are granted the authority to use force when necessary to accomplish lawful ends. This authority is grounded in the laws of the State of Maryland, the United States Constitution, Court rulings and the provisions of this policy. Recognition of, and respect for the dignity of all persons and the value of human life shall guide all training, leadership, and procedures, as well as guide deputies in the use of force.

    OPS 0508 Use of Force Review Committee


    To establish the Harford County Sheriff's Office (HCSO) Use of Force Review Committee.


    To comply with the Harford County Sheriff's Office Use of Force Policy OPS 0501, the HCSO will establish the Use of Force Review Committee.

    OPS 0601 Accidental Discharge of a Firearm


    This policy establishes an internal process for the documentation, review, and disposition of any incident wherein a deputy accidentally discharges a firearm.


    This policy establishes an internal process for the documentation, review, and disposition of any incident wherein a deputy accidentally discharges a firearm.

    OPS 0606 Telephone Reporting


    To provide members of the Harford County Sheriff’s Office with guidelines regarding telephone reporting procedures


    The Harford County Sheriff’s Office is committed to being effective, efficient and responsive to the needs of our communities. Therefore, it is the policy of the Agency to allow citizens to report qualifying offenses via telephone.

    OPS 0701 Civil Disturbance and Mass Arrest


    To provide members of the HCSO with guidelines for situations of civil disturbances and mass arrest.


    The HCSO will quickly and decisively manage any unlawful civil disturbance.

    OPS 0702 Crisis Intervention Team


    The purpose of this policy is to establish operational guidelines for responding to persons experiencing a mental health or emotional crisis, as well as guidelines for use of the Crisis Intervention Team (CIT). This policy shall apply to all trained personnel with the Harford County Sheriff’s Office.


    To enhance safety and quality of life in the community, The Harford County Sheriff’s Office recognizes the need to bring community resources together to target behavioral health issues. According to the Bureau of Justice Assistance (BJA), law enforcement agencies have partnered with mental health and community partners to develop more compassionate and cost-effective approaches that emphasize providing community–based treatment instead of arrest and incarceration for adults and juveniles with mental illness. The primary goal of the CIT program is to have law enforcement, correctional, and civilian employees with specialized training available to assist individuals in mental health crisis. The primary method of accomplishing this goal is to identify the needs of the individual in crisis and make appropriate referrals to that individual. If it appears to be in the best interest of the community and the individual in crisis, CIT intervention should be considered as an alternative to arresting the individual (assuming law or policy does not mandate an arrest). Adhering to these procedures should further the Agency’s goal of reducing the number of mentally ill individuals entering the criminal justice system. This policy was developed in collaboration with mental health professionals.

    OPS 0703 Hazard File


    To provide guidelines for entry and deletion of hazards within the computer aided dispatch (CAD) system.


    The HCSO shall maintain a hazard file to ensure the safety of Agency members responding to calls for service at locations where hazards are known to exist or have existed in the past.

    OPS 0704 Missing Persons


    To provide guidelines for reporting missing persons.


    The HCSO will strive to respond to, search for, and report all persons considered missing.

    OPS 0705 Narcan


    To provide members of the Harford County Sheriff’s Office (HCSO) with guidelines regarding the administration of Naloxone. Naloxone, commonly known by the brand name Narcan, is administered to subjects experiencing, or believed to be experiencing, an opioid overdose.


    The HCSO will train members to recognize signs and symptoms of opiate overdoses and to properly administer nasal Narcan to reverse the effects and save lives.

    OPS 0706 School Critical Incident Response


    The purpose of this policy is to establish procedures for responding deputies/supervisors to critical incidents occurring at schools within Harford County.


    The Harford County Sheriff’s Office shall provide safety to students, staff, visitors, emergency responders and civilians in the event of a critical incident. The HCSO shall have a plan in effect to carry out a safe and successful operation with minimal injury, property damage, and disruption to both school and community.

    OPS 0707 Suspicious Mail/Packages/Items


    To provide guidelines to agency members when responding to calls for service regarding suspicious mail or other items.


    Members of the Harford County Sheriff’s Office (HCSO) will respond to calls involving suspicious mail or other items and follow the below guidelines to ensure that scene safety and integrity is maintained. The intentional delivery of a biological or chemical agent by anyone is a crime. The false report of a chemical or biological event is a crime. Each report of an event will be treated as a crime scene until it is determined to be otherwise.

    OPS 0730 Operational Orders & After-Action Reports


    To provide deputies with guidelines to be used in the creation of Operational Orders & After-Action Reports.


    Deputies must create Operational Orders & After-Action Reports as needed for pre-planned operations, events, details, or investigations that require the use of personnel and equipment over and above the normal daily activities of any unit.

    OPS 0805 Towing and Storage of Motor Vehicles


    When authorizing the towing and storage of motor vehicles, deputies shall utilize the guidelines contained in this policy.


    The Harford County Sheriff’s Office may authorize the towing and storage of motor vehicles for legitimate purposes.

    OPS 0901 Traffic Enforcement


    To provide deputies with guidance for conducting traffic enforcement.


    Harford County Sheriffs Office will ensure the safe and efficient movement of traffic through effective traffic enforcement.

    OPS 0902 Traffic Stop Procedures


    To provide deputies with guidance on conducting traffic stops.


    Traffic stops must be conducted in an unbiased, courteous, and professional manner and in accordance with all applicable law and policy.

    OPS 0903 Stationary Enforcement Stopping Teams


    To provide Deputies guidance when conducting stationary traffic enforcement.


    Deputies must conduct stationary enforcement and stopping teams in accordance with this policy.

    OPS 0904 Traffic Citations


    To provide deputies with guidance when issuing traffic-related charging documents.


    Deputies will issue traffic citations in accordance with Maryland law and Harford County Sheriffs Office (HCSO) policy.

    OPS 0905 Written Warnings


    To provide deputies with guidance for issuing written warnings for traffic violations.


    When a warning for a traffic violation is appropriate, deputies must issue a written warning to the violator in accordance with this directive.

    OPS 0906 Safety Equipment Repair Orders


    To provide guidance to deputies issuing a Safety Equipment Repair Order (SERO).


    Deputies may issue an SERO for vehicle equipment violations to motor vehicles permanently registered in Maryland.

    OPS 0908 Voiding Citations & Safety Equipment Repair Orders


    To provide deputies guidance regarding administratively voiding citations and handling citations or Safety Equipment Repair Orders issued in error.


    Deputies will follow the following procedures when voiding citations and Safety Equipment Repair Orders (SERO).

    OPS 0913 Unique Categories of Violator


    To provide deputies with guidance when encountering violations committed by certain individuals.


    Violations committed by non-residents, minors, state or federal legislators, or members of the military will be handled in accordance with this directive.

    OPS 0914 License Plate Reader


    To provide guidelines regarding the access to and use of License Plate Reader (LPR) systems and data by members of the Harford County Sheriff’s Office (HCSO).


    License Plate Recognition Systems (LPRS), also known as an LPR, provide automated detection of license plates. The LPR uses high speed cameras and computer technology to capture and convert data from electronic images of vehicle license plates into a readable format, and then compares the information against specified databases of license plates.

    OPS 0915 Unbiased Policing


    To emphasize the HCSO's commitment to unbiased policing and equitable treatment of all persons.


    HCSO strictly prohibits bias-based policing in traffic contacts, field contacts, asset seizure, and forfeiture efforts.

    OPS 0916 Non-Traffic Accidents


    To describe the procedures for handling and investigating non-traffic accidents.


    Deputies will ensure that the proper authorities are notified of non-traffic accidents and will conduct any needed investigation.

    OPS 0917 Diplomatic Immunity for Motor Vehicle Violations


    To provide employees with guidance on dealing with foreign diplomatic and consular personnel.


    Law enforcement authorities of the United States must always treat foreign diplomatic and consular personnel with respect and with due regard for the privileges and immunities to which they are entitled under international law.

    OPS 1004 Sobriety Checkpoints


    To provide deputies with guidance on conducting field sobriety checkpoints.


    Deputies will conduct field sobriety checkpoints in a manner consistent with applicable laws, federal and state court rulings, and Harford County Sheriff's Office (HCSO) policy.

    OPS 1101 Crash Investigation


    The Harford County Sheriff’s Office is tasked with the investigation of vehicle crashes on Harford County highways and roadways. This policy is intended to establish guidelines for the investigation of these incidents


    It shall be the policy of the Harford County Sheriff’s Office to ensure that its members are properly trained and equipped to conduct thorough vehicle crash investigations, render aid to injured persons, and to enforce applicable traffic laws.

    OPS 1201 Child Maltreatment - Mandated Reporter Protocol


    To provide guidance to law enforcement deputies who receive reports of child maltreatment from mandated reporters.


    Deputies responding to incidents of child maltreatment will place the immediate and long term well-being of the child victim above any procedural considerations.

    OPS 1205 Eyewitness Identification


    The purpose of this policy is to establish guidelines for obtaining accurate eyewitness identifications, consistent with the United States Bureau of Justice recommendations and to develop uniformed law enforcement State standards through the Maryland Police and Correctional Training Commissions which are in compliance with the Annotated Code of Maryland, Public Safely Article, Section 3-506.


    It is the policy of the Harford County Sheriff’s Office that eyewitnesses will be given specific instructions prior to being shown a suspect; photo arrays and line-ups will be conducted using sequential rather than simultaneous presentation; and photo arrays and line-ups will be conducted using blind administration.

    OPS 1206 Digital Images


    To provide members of the Harford County Sheriff’s Office (HCSO) with procedures and guidelines for recording and storage of digital images.


    The HCSO recognizes the importance of properly recording, storing and preserving digital images for evidentiary purposes. Therefore, Agency members will strictly adhere to procedures and guidelines set forth in this policy to ensure that the integrity of digital images is not compromised.

    OPS 1207 Unattended Death


    The investigation of deaths and the circumstances surrounding sudden or unexplained deaths is a duty of the Harford County Sheriff’s Office. Death investigations are necessary to ensure that the circumstances of a death are properly determined and that appropriate actions are taken during the investigation.


    It is the policy of the Harford County Sheriff’s Office to work collaboratively with other public safety entities to ensure that investigations are fully investigated.

    OPS 1209 Sex Offender Registration


    To provide HCSO members with guidelines regarding convicted sex offender registry.


    The HCSO recognizes and respects the value and integrity of each community member. The policy provides for guidelines dealing with requirements of the State of Maryland Sex Offender Registry statute.

    OPS 1210 Victim Services


    To provide members of the Harford County Sheriff’s Office (HCSO) with guidelines regarding the functions and call-out procedures for the Victim Services Unit (VSU).


    The HCSO will ensure that the rights of victims and witnesses are protected and that they are treated with fairness, compassion, and dignity.

    OPS 1211 Intelligence/Homeland Security


    To describe the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Event Classification System and provide recommended actions in the event of an incident within the borders of Harford County. Additionally, this policy will provide guidance in the dissemination of criminal intelligence as it relates to homeland security, gangs, vice crimes, threat assessments and officer safety concerns.


    All members will work along with the DHS and utilize the National Incident Management System (NIMS) and the Incident Command System (ICS) doctrine and procedures that are compliant with law and Agency policies. All sworn law enforcement members will participate in the recommended ICS training programs developed and coordinated by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA).

    OPS 1216 Rape and Sexual Assault Investigations


    To provide specific and consistent guidelines for the investigation of rape and sexual offense complaints.


    The Harford County Sheriff's Office (HCSO) will thoroughly and aggressively investigate all complaints of rape or sexual assault against victims sixteen (16) years of age or older. It will be the responsibility of the Criminal Investigations Division (CID) Major Case Unit (MCU) to conduct follow-up investigations of all rape and felony sexual offenses involving victims sixteen (16) years of age or older. Sexual assault complaints involving victims fifteen (15) years of age or younger will be investigated by the Harford County Child Advocacy Center (CAC). The initial patrol deputy will handle all 4th degree sex offenses, with the possible exception of those involving sexual child abuse and vulnerable adult abuse. These crimes may be assigned to either the CAC or the MCU after review by those respective units. The preliminary investigation of a suspected rape or sexual offense, other than 4th degree, requires the on-scene supervision of a patrol supervisor of at least the rank of Corporal.

    OPS 1219 Preliminary and Follow-up Criminal Investigations


    To provide specific and consistent guidelines that provide for the efficient and effective investigation of crimes reported to the Harford County Sheriff’s Office (HCSO).


    The HCSO will effectively manage criminal investigations by coordinating the efforts of patrol deputies, the Criminal Investigations Division (CID), and the Special Investigations Division (SID).

    OPS 1221 Identity Theft


    To provide Harford County Sheriff’s Office (HCSO) personnel with protocols for documenting, investigating, and deterring identity theft crimes.


    Agency members will take the necessary measures to document criminal complaints of reported identity theft and inform victims on how to contact the appropriate investigative and consumer protection agencies.

    OPS 1223 Deputy Involved Shootings


    To establish procedures for the investigation of a deputy involved shooting and to ensure that such incidents are investigated in a fair and impartial manner.


    To establish procedures for the investigation of a deputy involved shooting and to ensure that such incidents are investigated in a fair and impartial manner.

    OPS 1301 Juvenile Contacts


    This policy will establish guidelines for the contact, detention, arrest, and release of juveniles.


    The Harford County Sheriff's Office (HCSO) is committed to releasing juveniles from temporary custody as soon as reasonably practicable in accordance with the provisions of the Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Act of 2002, as reauthorized by Congress in December 2018, and revised by the Office of Juvenile Justice Delinquency Prevention (OJJDP) in 2019, keeping juveniles safe while they are in temporary custody. Juveniles should be held in temporary custody only for as long as reasonably necessary for processing, transfer, or release.

    OPS 1302 Cannabis Violations


    The Harford County Sheriff’s Office (HCSO) will provide personnel with guidelines regarding the issuance of civil citations for qualifying cannabis violations.


    Deputies of the HCSO will not make an arrest involving cannabis offenses unless the offense involves the exceptions noted in the Criminal Law Article § 5-612 (specific amounts), § 5-613 (drug kingpin) and § 5-614 (importation). In lieu of arrests for other offenses involving cannabis deputies may issue civil citations.

    OPS 1306 Criminal Citations


    To establish policy governing the mandatory issuance of a criminal citation for certain criminal offenses if the defendant meets certain criteria.


    Deputies will issue criminal citations in compliance with the law and this directive.

    OPS 1401 Prisoners/Pre-Booking


    To establish procedures for custody and safety of prisoners.


    The Harford County Sheriff’s Office utilizes a variety of written directives to define policies and procedures that provide guidance for Agency members while performing assigned duties and to establish professional standards of conduct and behavior for its members.

    OPS 1402 Security of Prisoners in Hospital Situations


    To establish a standardized model law enforcement policy related to the security of in-custody persons in hospitals and other non-secure public areas while ensuring the safety of hospital personnel, the general public, and involved law enforcement personnel. There is nothing in this policy that would prohibit any hospital from exercising their own policy requirement mandating that two deputies be assigned to guard a prisoner during an emergency clinical evaluation or a prisoner who has been admitted to their facility


    It is the policy of the HCSO to provide measures by which prisoners, during emergency clinical evaluation or who have been admitted to a medical facility, can be guarded with minimal risk and inconvenience to all affected persons, while providing maximum safety to deputies, EMS personnel, hospital personnel, and the general public.

    OPS 1406 Stop and Frisk (formerly MAN 7100 )


    To provide deputies with guidance on when they can conduct a stop and frisk.


    Deputies may conduct a stop and frisk in compliance with the law and this policy.

    OPS 1503 Search and Seizure Warrants


    To provide deputies with guidelines to be used in the application for, and execution of, a search warrant.


    Deputies must obtain and execute search and seizure warrants in compliance with the law and this directive.

    OPS 1505 Strip Searches and Body Cavity Searches


    The use of strip and body cavity searches may, under certain conditions, be necessary to protect the safety of deputies and the public and to detect and secure evidence of criminal activity.


    The use of strip and body cavity searches may, under certain conditions, be necessary to protect the safety of deputies and the public and to detect and secure evidence of criminal activity.

    OPS 1601 Asset Security


    To provide members of the Harford County Sheriff’s Office with guidelines relating to security of the Sheriff’s Office facilities and computer assets. In addition, this policy will provide guidance for agency personnel, support personnel, and private contractors/vendors for the physical, logical, and electronic protection of Criminal Justice Information (CJI).


    The Harford County Sheriff’s Office recognizes the need to provide a safe and secure environment for Agency employees and County employees who work in the building on a daily basis, as well as for visitors conducting business at Sheriff’s Office facilities. Therefore, it is the policy of the Harford County Sheriff’s Office to provide security for personnel and equipment to enhance the safety of employees and citizens utilizing facilities. All physical, logical, and electronic access must be properly documented, authorized, and controlled on devices that store, process, or transmit unencrypted CJI. This policy focuses on the appropriate access control methods needed to protect both agency facilities and the full lifecycle of CJI from insider and outsider threats.

    OPS 1602 Property Management


    To provide HCSO members with guidelines regarding property seized and recovered.


    The HCSO will strive to maintain all physical evidence and recovered property.

    OPS 1613 Prescription Drug Disposal Program


    To provide Harford County Sheriff's Office (HCSO) employees with guidance on proper procedures regarding the prescription drug disposal program.


    The Harford County Sheriff's Office (HCSO) is committed to providing the citizens of Harford County with a safe and secure way to dispose of unwanted medication in order to reduce crime related to obtaining and abusing prescription drugs and alleviate public safety and environmental issues that can arise as a result of improper disposal.

    OPS 1614


    To provide Harford County Sheriff’s Office (HCSO) employees with guidelines pertaining to asset seizures, forfeitures, and disposal of seized and forfeited property.


    To promote and enhance cooperation among federal, state, local, and foreign law enforcement agencies by focusing on deterring crime by removing the tools of organized crime, recovering currency that may be used to compensate victims, and to deprive criminals of property used in or acquired through illegal activities

    OPS 1708 Bail Bondsmen/Bounty Hunters


    To provide guidelines to deputies when responding to calls for service regarding Bail Bondsmen/Bounty Hunters pursuant to the powers of arrest granted as a matter of common law.


    Deputies will safeguard the peace during calls involving Bail Bondsmen/Bounty Hunters but will not become actively engaged in apprehension efforts.

    OPS 1709 Extreme Risk Protective Orders (ERPO)


    To establish procedures and guidance for Extreme Risk Protective Orders (ERPO).


    ERPOs are meant to prohibit a Respondent from purchasing or possessing a firearm and/or ammunition where there are reasonable grounds to believe the Respondent poses an immediate and present danger of causing personal injury to himself, the Petitioner, or other individuals by purchasing or possessing a firearm. A Petition for, or the issuance of an ERPO does not in any way affect the ability of deputies to remove or seize firearm(s) and/or ammunition from any person or property as otherwise permitted by law. ERPOs do not prohibit contact between the Respondent and Petitioner or others.

    OPS 1801 Domestic Violence


    To provide guidance to law enforcement deputies who respond to domestic incidents.


    To provide guidance to law enforcement deputies who respond to domestic incidents.

    OPS 1802 Protective/Peace Court Orders


    To provide guidance to law enforcement deputies regarding peace and protective orders.


    Deputies will enforce protective/peace court orders in accordance with the law.

    OPS 1803 Firearms Related to Domestic Violence


    Provide guidance to law enforcement handling firearms related to domestic violence.


    Deputies will handle all firearms related to domestic violence in accordance with this directive.

    OPS 1403


    To establish guidelines for the Harford County Sheriff’s Office (HCSO) to ensure confinement within any HCSO lockup or the Harford County Detention Center (HCDC) meets the 2003 Prison Rape Elimination Act (PREA) standards.


    The HCSO has a zero-tolerance policy for sexual misconduct. Sexual conduct between employees and inmates/detainees, volunteer/contractual personnel and inmates/detainees, or inmates/detainees and other inmates/detainees regardless of consensual status is prohibited and will result in administrative and possible criminal sanctions.

    DCA 1400 Volunteer and Contractual Personnel


    To establish policy and procedure for volunteer and contractual personnel entering the Harford County Detention Center.


    The Harford County Detention Center (HCDC) may permit citizen involvement to assist in specific inmate programs as coordinated by the HCDC Program Coordinator.

    DCA 3500 Inmate Work Details


    To establish guidelines for providing internal work assignments to inmates at the Harford County Detention Center (HCDC).


    The HCDC will have a written inmate work assignment plan that provides for inmate employment subject to the number of work opportunities available, and the maintenance of HCDC security, and will not discriminate in inmate work assignments based upon gender, race, religion, or national origin.

Public Notice of Title VI Program Rights