Harford County Sheriff's Office

With courage, honor, and integrity, we protect the rights of all citizens


News Release

Sheriff Gahler announces the release of four videos designed to educate and inform motorist on Law Enforcement Traffic Stops

Bel Air MD: During the 2016 session of the Maryland General Assembly Sheriff Gahlerworked with Harford County Delegates Andrew Cassilly and Mary Ann Lisanti and Senator Wayne Norman to introduce legislation requiring new drivers to receive instruction on how to respond if stopped by the police while operating a motor vehicle. Realizing the importance of topic, the Harford County Sheriff’s Office worked on four short educational videos intended to be practical examples of the proposal.

“Today, I have sent copies of the educational videos to all Drivers Education Schools in Harford County, with the hope that they find these videos useful as an instructional tool.” Gahler said

Working with the Maryland Motor Vehicle Administration, a code change was determined to be the best avenue available to accomplish the objective of providing an important safety message to our newest drivers. As of January 1, 2017, the Code of Maryland Regulations (COMAR), 11.23.02 – Driver’s Education Curriculum, will be updated to include a requirement that students of driver’s education programs in Maryland be given guidance on the safest ways to interact with law enforcement officers when stopped while operating motor vehicle.

“These videos are intended to be both informational tools for new drivers so they understand their rights and legal requirements when stopped and, also, to give these new drivers an understanding of the police officer’s perspective of a traffic stop.” Gahler said. In short, the videos are meant to allow for improved communications between police officers and the motoring public.  Some of the information included in the videos are: the proper actions drivers should take during a traffic stop, what information the officer will request of the driver and or passengers, what to do when encountering a DWI checkpoint and what your rights are if an officer asks you to exit the vehicle.

Links to Traffic Stop Videos:

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