Harford County Sheriff's Office

With courage, honor, and integrity, we protect the rights of all citizens


News Release

Harford County Sheriff Jeff Gahler calls on Congress to end political bickering and secure our Southern Border

Millions of American citizens have been directly and indirectly impacted by the Federal Government’s lack of direction and selective enforcement of our immigration laws. There is one message both elected Democrats and Republicans have agreed upon and been consistent with and that is improved security at our southern border is essential and necessary for the safety and security of our communities. A view shared by the brave men and women of the U.S. Border Patrol who work hard to keep us safe. Prior to the election of President Trump, many Democrats strongly supported the concept of a border wall.

Since being elected in 2014 and prior to the election of President Trump and as a member of the National Sheriff’s Association’s Immigration Committee, I have spoken many times concerning the flow of heroin and other opioids crossing our border between Mexico and the United States, creeping into our neighborhoods and killing thousands of our friends and family members each year. Last year in Harford County, heroin and fentanyl took the lives of 82 people. Over 90 percent of these substances flooded across our southern border.

Securing our southern border is essential to public safety across our Nation. American families are destroyed and lives ruined by uncontrolled, illegal migration and the pipeline for vast quantities of illegal drugs – including heroin, cocaine and fentanyl. Building a border wall will put a stop to the “free flow” of poison being injected into our Country and into our communities.

I have also had the heartbreaking opportunity to personally meet with many Angel Families, families who have lost loved ones at the hands of criminal illegal aliens. These are individuals who were not only illegally in our Country, but also made the choice not to respect our laws which have developed over time to address those acts considered harmful to social order. As a result of their actions, innocent Americans have unnecessarily and avoidably lost their lives, leaving behind families and loved ones who will forever grieve their loss. This is not acceptable. This is avoidable.

I support President Trump’s address to the American people regarding the need for the immediate funding and construction of a border wall. As I care about public safety and not semantics, I do not care if it is called a “wall” so long as it is a real barrier that truly and effectively protects our southern border and the citizens of this Country from those who have disregarded the rule of law. Accordingly, I call on our members of Congress from the State of Maryland to support the President’s request for funding.

Office of Media and Public Relations